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News Autoglaze Offers Shares to Consumers through a Crowdfunding SchemeAutoglaze Offers Shares to Consumers through a Crowdfunding Scheme
Autoglaze, one of the industry players in auto detailing and paint protection services in Indonesia, is offering a portion of its shares in two of its outlets located in the Fatmawati and Tendean areas of Jakarta to consumers through a crowdfunding scheme by cooperating with the Bizhare platform.
News Autoglaze Offers a New Business Concept Gives People the Opportunity to Own Car Salon SharesAutoglaze Offers a New Business Concept, Gives People the Opportunity to Own Car Salon Shares
Autoglaze in collaboration with Bizhare presents a new business concept to the public. The business concept offered is in the form of crowdfunding or securities crowd funding, Autoglaze offers shares to the public.
News With only Rp 185 million in capital you can have your own car salonWith only Rp. 1.85 million in capital, you can have your own car salon
Jakarta Autoglaze car salon is offering shares to the public through Bizhare as a Securities crowdfunding platform to have Autoglaze outlets for Tendean and Fatmawati Jakarta gas stations.
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Kel.Sukapura, Kec.Cilincing
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