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News Mengingat Autoglaze Express Buka Cabang Baru di Mall of Indonesia Pada 29 Juli 2016Mengingat Autoglaze Express Buka Cabang Baru di Mall of Indonesia Pada 29 Juli 2016
Autoglaze Express merupakan layanan perawatan dan salon mobil yang berlokasi di parkiran pusat perbelanjaan dengan proses pengerjaan 1-2 jam.
PT Jillbert Kreasindo Kurnia yang bergerak dibidang perawatan dan salon mobil dengan brand Autoglaze Express terus mengembangkan sayap bisnisnya di daerah Jabodetabek.
News Autoglaze Express Fast Car Detailing Service In Mall AreaAutoglaze Express Fast Car Detailing Service In Mall Area
PT. Jillbert Kreasindo Kurnia, as the owner of the Autoglaze brand, introduced a concept car care with detailing techniques in a very fast time. The service called Autoglaze Express is targeted to Mall visitors.
News Beware of Mud Evaporator Car Air ConditionerBeware of "Mud" Evaporator Car Air Conditioner
Car air conditioner theory, ideally, evaporator cleaned at least once a year, or every 20,000 km. Less is better, because basically, the air we breathe in the cabin definitely passes through this important component.
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Jalan Terusan Kelapa Hibrida
Rukan Grand Orchard Blok D No.1
Kel.Sukapura, Kec.Cilincing
Jakarta Utara 14140
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